Monday 17 March 2014

Question 7:Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

17. PRELIM - Nathaly, Traivon, Marleyah, Ana, Jasmine from 283goswell on Vimeo.

 I feel that this is an awkward shot because of the way in which the character is positioned.I feel that this shot should have been a mid shot because it would put emphasison the characters face and as he was speaking at that time it would have made what he was saying clearer.The character is suppose to be the main focus in this shot however he is not in the centre of the screen and his back if facing the camera.This looks unprofessional.
 After looking over my prelim i feel that we most of our footageis dark.The parts in which the receptionist is at the desk is fine however shots like the one above a dark.The reason as to why these shots are dark is because of the window in the background reflecting light into the room and as a result putting the characters into a shadow.
 This shot is bad because you can see the tripod and camera person in the reflection of the window.This looks unprofessional and we should have taken this into concideration while filming and tried to overcome this in the editing.
A gif i made to give a rough idea of the editing.
The editing at this part of the gif is not smooth.(From 0:33-0:40 seconds)
We should have used two shots that weren't too different to make the transition of shots smoother and more clean.

Also from around 0:09-0:13 seconds there is a muffled sounds of people talking and whispering over the top of the clip.This is unproffessional as when filming asi have learnt it is importsnt to be as silent as possible especially if there is someone speaking in the clip also.

20 - Jade Abrams, Marleyah Kelly, Elizabeth Rowan from 283goswell on Vimeo.

 This is an example of how my editing has improved throughout the course of this year.While editing the prelim i would have never been able to make create an effect like this.The most complex our editing got on the prelim was putting the titles in.We never would have imagined having to put to images on top of each other and adjusting the image wireframe,as we were just beginners.
 After technical difficulty in our first attempt of filming we made sure that all of our shots were bright so that they could show up easily on the screen.We used a top light to do so, in the prelim we did not use a toplight as we thought that the room was bright enough not realising that on computer screens it shows up darker and theremore on a projector it will show up even less.
 The shots that we used were more professional and visually attractive.We used a variety of longshots and close ups to show different moods and surroundings.In the Prelim we did not do this apart from one close up all of our other shots were longshots.

Our matchcuts were more clean and actually looked realistic and not jumpy like the prelim.At first i was completely thrown by the idea of matchcutting and i found it very complicated and confusing however after filming the opening to our film i found matchcutting one of the easiest things.Mise en scene was also better as it actually fitted in with our storyline unlike the prelim.

My contribution to teamwork has also massively improved because in the prelim i was shy and did not have any input apart fromacting as i was intimidating my the camera and editing.However after being put in a group that initially i was not overly happy with i have found confidence in camera work and editing.I was forced to learn how to edit and film as no one else in my group could do it and i had to take charge alot of the time or nothing would be done.I left my comfort zone and i overall have enjoyed it.

I also feel that my blogging has improved as before i only used tet however now have broadened my horizons and used a variety of echnologies that i had never even heard of before starting the course.At the start of the year i didnt enjoy blogging as i found it almost like a chore but throughout the course i found it quite enjoyable and interesting.

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