Wednesday 19 March 2014

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

 Teen movies are typically watched by those between the ages of 12-21, with the exact age varying depending on the storyline and content within the movie.

The sub-genres in our film are drama/romance, and the target audience for these specific genres is usuall young females.

Therefore, our target audience is mainly females between the ages of 15-19. This is because we feel as though they will be able to relate to the storylines best, making it more interesting for them. However, males could still find interest in certain aspects of the film, so the target audience is not completely female based.  A specfic shot within our film opening that suggests the main audiencew would be teenage girls is a shot showing a girl in her bed, with make up smudged down her face as she is crying. This automatically brings forward the idea of boy troubles as this is typical in the context of a teen film when the main character is a young female. This shot/shots can be seen below. 

Below are a number of pictures showing the Facebook account i made to represent our idea of the typical target audience member for our film opening

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