Wednesday 22 January 2014

Shot By Shot Remake Task

Our task as a group was to remake the opening of the movie 'The Breakfast Club'. In the opening, we are taken on a tour of the emptied school, and shown areas within it such as the canteen, the library, the front of the school, and classrooms. The normal school locations are shown as empty to emphasise the fact that it is not a normal school day, and the five characters shown are there for detention. We then get an initial look into the characters in this movie by the way in which each of them arrive to detention, and their relationships with their parents and others around them. First we see a young girl being dropped off by her father in a BMW. This first of all tells the audience that the character has alot of money. The girl comes across as somewhat spoilt as daddy's typical 'princess', and seems very unhappy with the fact that she has detention. Next we are introduced to a boy who is being dropped off by his mother and younger sibling. This character appears to not be as rich as the previous one, and the car being driven isn't as expensive as a BMW, which also give an insight to the characters financial state. The boy is being told off my his mum for having detention, which suggests this isn't a typical occurrence for him. After this, what appears to be a stereotypical jock character is introduced. He arrives with his dad in a pick up truck, and his dad's nonchalant attitude about the detention gives us a clue that this character isn't particularly well behaved or into school, which are attributes of a teen movies normal jock character. The final character to arrive by car is an alternative looking girl, who does not say anything, but simply gets out of the car and goes to talk to te driver, but they quickly drive away without a word. The fifth and final character in the opening does not arrive by car, but comes on foot. He crosses the road by stepping right in front of a moving car, which tells us that he has no regard for danger. Also, the fact that he is arriving by walking tells us he is probably not financially well off, and doesn't have anybody at home who cares enough or is able to drop him off to school.

The Opening Scene:

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