Wednesday 11 December 2013

Story-lines,Openings and Binary oppositions

In class today we looked at 4  opening of films and we analysed their story-lines and binary oppositions. We found that in these 4 films the storyline was very clear due to the fact the binary oppositions in the opening were very obvious. The contrast in the oppositions made the film more intriguing and more engaging.

A storyline is a plot of a film or play in which the movie is usually based around.

Binary opposition refers to a pair of similar concepts that are opposite in meaning.

Romeo and Juliet

The film in which my group analysed was the classic Romeo and Juliet.In the opening of this film the storyline is two opposing families (the Montagues and the Capulets) having a "Brawl" at the petrol station. The opening to this film was littered with lots of binary oppositions here are some that my group noticed:

  • White Americans vs South Americans(latinos)
  • Montagues vs Capulets
  • Rich vs poor
  • Hawaiian shirts vs Smart suits
  • Cowboys vs Punks
  • Loud and stupid vs Calm and collected
  • Brave vs Scared
  • Comedic vs Serious
  • Yellow vs Blue (cars)
  • Peace vs quarrel
  • non religious vs religious

Ferris Buellers day off

The next film in which we analysed was Ferris Buellers day off. In this film the story line consists of a boy who is pretending to be sick in order to get a day off. His parents fall for his "worst performance ever" and let him stay home. As soon as they leave Ferris jumps up and acts happier than usual and begins to relax at home. Meanwhile in school his teacher is wondering where he is as he is suppose to be doing a test that day. His friend is also ill except his not pretending Ferris then tries to persuade his friend to come and have fun with him on his day off.

  • sisters vs brothers
  • fake illness vs real illness
  • boring vs exciting
  • school vs home
  • colourful vs grey
  • home life vs school-life
  • Hawaiian music vs gloomy music.

10 things I hate about you

the opening of this film was a boy that was moving to a new school who was being shown around by another student who would be described as a "nerd. "The nerd teachers the student all about the different cliques in the school like the "jocks" and "beautiful people."While the nerd is showing the new boy around he locks eyes on one of the "beautiful people" and says that she is perfect.
  • cool kids vs nerds
  • old vs young
  • rich vs poor
  • beautiful vs ugly
  • smart clothing vs casual clothing
  • pop music vs punk music
  • happy vs sad
  • happy vs sad
  • black clothing vs colourful clothing

Princess Diaries

There is a young teenager called Mia who at on first glance would be described as "ugly" or a "geek" due to her frizzy hair and glasses. he is at school with her friend when she sees her crush and freezes and daydreams of what it would be like to date him. However it is the most popular girl in school who he is dating who happens to be someone that Mia doesn't like. Mia and her friend then go to class in which they are having a class debate on school uniform. Mia's crush and girlfriend are on the same side and they are arguing to get rid of school uniform and they are very confident and loud which is a complete contrast to Mia's debating style. When Mia is asked up to the podium she freezes, forgets what she is suppose to say and runs off the stage because of her nerves.

  • popular vs unpopular
  • cool vs geeks
  • royalty vs not royalty
  • teacher vs students
  • beautiful vs ugly
  • confident s nervous

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