Sunday 29 December 2013

The Bling Ring

The bling ring is a teen film about a group of teenagers who live in LA who go around to famous celebrities houses when they are not home and steal from them. At first it is just a bit of fun to see what it would be like to live the celebrity lifestyle but then things get out of hand. Celebrities begin realising things are missing and the CCTV footage from their houses show the same gang of people referred to by the media as "The bling ring."
The opening of the movie was conventional because it had the title of the movie and the actors who were starring in the movie which is common for almost every movie.The opening of the movie gave as an idea of the genre of the movie and the type situations that may arise in the movie.
Something that was unusual about the movie was that the title sequence was a montage(lots of clips and pictures put together) that foreshadowed what would later happen in the film. The montage consisted of pictures of social networking sites, shoes, handbags, jewellery and selfies of the "The bling ring "together.
The movie starts with a flash-forward of one of "the bling ring" members speaking out to the press about what has happened and how it had effected her then cuts to a shot of a big house and at the bottom of the screen is the location as to where the film was set which in this case was America.

The film did follow conventions of movies in terms of location characters, sound, storyline, binary oppositions.
The most common locations in the movie were:
The main binary oppositions in the movie were:
Rich vs Poor
Good vs Bad
Right vs Wrong
Teenagers vs Authority

Wednesday 18 December 2013

The Bling Ring


In this blogpost i will be looking at my progress so far.

I feel that i have been doing very well in this blog so far.I have been posting blogs regularly at least two a week and i also work hard in group posts.So far i have been up to date with all my blogposts apart from one which has been published but is not yet finished.This is the "What happens at the start of a film " blogpost.

i feel that my blog is good however i need to include more variety of technology like gifs, Prezzi, Camtasia 2 and youtube.I feel that i rely to much on images as they are the easiest and laziest option.I am going to try and use a different type of technology every two blog posts to add more diversity to my blog and make it more interesting.

Personally i feel that my voice has come through on the blog as i do not just rely on group posts.I feel that i a very good at updating my blog.Overall so far i am mostly happy with my blog apart from a few adjustments that will be fixed soon.
Personal Blog Review

Overall I believe that I am doing fine, I have covered most of the tasks, by using multi-media such as photographs and video links from youtube for example.
but there are a few things I could do to improve which would be maybe including gifs, or doing vlogs to discuss my certain opinions or information, to really shows my individual voice and contribution separate from the group.

Stereotypes We Explored In Class 

In class we explored different stereotypes which would be seen in a typical high school setting, for preparation for our own teen films. 
The three stereotypes I have chosen are: 
The Token Black Guy 
The Slut 
The Nerd 

The Token Black Guy: 
The token black guy is the only black guy in the group to avoid confrontation about racism.  
They are normally portrayed in the thug wear and who always cracking jokes and have certain phrases which go with the black stereotype.  

The Slut: 
Normally portrayed being blonde, pretty and stupid with an obsession with sexual activities with the boys in schools like the jocks, their usual attire would be a short skirt with a crop top and some high heels, and have some sort of love for the colour pink. 
You would normally also catch them being cheerleaders and going around with their friends as if they are an accessory. 
The Nerd: 
The nerd is normally known as the smart people who normally care more about their grades then their social status in school. 
They are usually bullied and bossed around by the hierarchy of a typical teenage high school in this case it would be the jocks and the cheerleaders (sluts) 
They usual attire would be having glasses and braces, with no sort of fashion sense, and will look weak.  
Their personalities stereotypically are shown to be quiet, frightened and easy to persuade.

Monday 16 December 2013

Creation of stereotypes

In class today we tried to create our own stereotype that could be found in a typical teem movie. We created the "token black guy." This character is most likely to be loved by many people in the film and be one of the funniest characters in the movie.
In order for us to create the "Token black guy" we:
  • Put a hoodie on Jade
  • Made her pose in a stereotypical black guy pose ("ManDem").

Film Stereotypes

Today we looked at stereotypes and we realised that lots of teen movies use the same types of characters.The 4 that i will be looking at are;Jocks,Nerds,Princess and the Token Black guy.

The common characteristics are that they:
Where baseball jackets
Nice cars
Short hair styles
usually play a sport of some kind
Fairly Muscular

The common characteristics of the nerds are that they:
wear glasses
Shirts and Grandad jumpers
greasy hair
Trousers tucked into socks

The Princess
The common characteristics of the princess is that she:
Has long hair
Nice to everyone(or at least pretends to be)
nice car
Daddys little girl

The Token Black Guy
The common characteristics of a token black guy are that he is:
Baggy Jeans
Loved by everyone
Makes certain comments

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Story Lines, Openings and Binary Oppositions

Overall we identified that binary oppositions, are there to show contrasts between different groups of people and give the audience a clear understanding of what a character or group of people are and what they are like.

We looked at four films and analysed and discussed exactly what the binary oppositions were in each, the four films we analysed were:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

In the opening of this film we see Ferris, pretending to be ill to skip a day at school and a test to stay home and relax the sunny exciting  day, which his parents reluctantly let him

The Binary Oppositions were:
Sister vs Brother (When his sister complains how he gets a day off school)
Reality vs Fake (Him pretending to be ill when he is actually healthy)
Home vs School (In school its boring at home he's doing exciting things
Boring vs Fun (Whens hes outside drinking tropical juice in the sun and we see the contrast of the boring slow school)
Colour vs Dark (When he's talking to his friend on the phone Ferris is happy and his surroundings are bright but his friends are dull because he is depressed and sick)
Holiday Music vs Gloomy Music (When he outside in the sun and it does a sound motif to his friend at home thinking he's sick)

Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
We see two rivalling gangs the Capulets and Montagues fighting at a petrol station

The Binary Oppositions were:

Latin Americans vs White Americans (Capulets and Montagues)
Rich vs Poor (Capulets have nice cars and bling whereas Montagues don't)
Sophisticated vs Casual (Capulets are wearing suits and Montague's wearing casual wear)
Religious vs Non Religious (Capulets are catholic we see this with mother Mary everywhere and there crosses)
Comedy vs Serious (When the pink haired Montagues disgusts the nuns)
Brave vs Scared (When they start to quarrel the Montagues begin to back off)
Peace vs Quarrel (When the main leaders of both families come together and Montagues want peace while Capulet leader says he  
"hates peace."

Princess Diaries 

We see a young girl on her way to high school and some of the attrocities in which happens to her on the very same day.

The Binary Oppositions:

Popular vs Unpopular (When they come into school we see the popular kids messing around being loud and Mia's friends are quiet and nerdy)
Teachers vs Students (In her debate class, her teachers keeps the class under control)
Beauty vs Ugly (Mia is ugly, when we see them make fun of her in her debate class)
Confidence vs Nervous ( When in her debate class the popular boys said his speech effortlessly while Mia gets scared and pukes up in fright)

Ten Things I Hate About You

Storylines and Plot Blog- How Are Binary Oppositions Established in Teen Film Openings?

We have looked at a number of teen film openings, including 'Romeo&Juliet', '10 Things I Hate About You', 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off', and 'The Princess Diaries'. Each showed a number of different binary  oppositions. 

These Include:

- Popular vs unpopular.
- Rich vs poor.
- Beautiful vs ugly.
- Happy vs angry.
- Smart clothing vs casual clothing.
- Old vs young.
- Sisters vs brothers.
- Teacher vs students.
- Pop music vs punk music.
- Confident vs nervous.
- Old car vs nice new car.
- Dark vs colourful. 


Teachers vs students: '10 Things I Hate About You' & 'The Princess Diaries'. 
Teacher vs student binary oppositions are represented in '10 Things I Hate About You' through the teacher instructing students on what to do, and showing authority, to which each student reacts differently according to their character type. One student does as they are told, whereas the other likes to try and challenge authority. 
Whereas in 'The Princess Diaries', this binary opposition is shown through a teacher shouting at students for misbehaving, and intimidating them with their level of authority. 

Beautiful vs ugly: '10 Things I Hate About You' & 'The Princess Diaries'.
Shown through different cliques in '10 Things I Hate About You', as the male is being instructed on who is acceptable to talk to based on their looks and popularity, and told he does not belong to the "beautiful people".
In 'The Princess Diaries', this binary opposition is shown by the typically "ugly" girl envying the "beautiful people", and being made fun of, showing the two contrasts, and how they do not fit together and are looked at as unequal to each other.

Rich vs poor: '10 Things I Hate About You', 'The Princess Diaries', 'Romeo&Juliet'.
The binary opposition of Rich vs Poor is shown in '10 Things I Hate About You' by the social hierarchies, as the popular kids are rich, and are seen wearing and talking about designer clothes, whereas the poorer students are seen admiring or avoiding the richer kids. This not only shows who is rich and who is poor, it also suggests that their social standing depends highly on how much money each student has. 
This binary opposition is similarly represented in 'The Princess Diaries', as yet again, the popular kids are seen with more sleek hairstyles, clothes and shoes. Whereas those that aren't as rich are shown looking relatively more scruffy, which yet again suggests that social standing is in direct correlation with how much money someone has, especially when it comes to the school environment in typical teen movies. 
'Romeo&Juliet' represents rich vs poor similarly, but this binary opposition does not interfere with popularity as it is not set in the school environment like the previous two films are. The rich characters in 'Romeo&Juliet are seen wearing suits and nice shoes, whereas the poorer characters are wearing Hawaiian shirts, with wild, coloured hair. The music used at the opening for each set of characters also gives us an insight to what they are like and the rich vs poor opposition. For those who are poorer and wearing the Hawaiian shirts are introduced to pinky/rock music, whereas the richer characters are introduced with more dramatic, calm, and sophisticated music. This suggests how each group differs. 

Dark vs Colourful: 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'.
This binary opposition is established in 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' through the lighting and surroundings of different characters, which represent the type of person they are, as well as they're general mood/feelings. For example, Ferris is cheerful and feeling good as he has gotten away with pretending to be ill in order to get the day off of school. His good mood is shown through the use of bright lighting, and everything around him appears light and colourful. On the other hand, Ferris's friend is very ill and feeling horrible, and in his scene, he is shown laying in bed in the dark, with no sign of brightness or colour. This stark contrast represents how each character feels, and sets us up for the rest of the movie as we are now aware of their current mood and what type of character each of them are. 

Story-lines,Openings and Binary oppositions

In class today we looked at 4  opening of films and we analysed their story-lines and binary oppositions. We found that in these 4 films the storyline was very clear due to the fact the binary oppositions in the opening were very obvious. The contrast in the oppositions made the film more intriguing and more engaging.

A storyline is a plot of a film or play in which the movie is usually based around.

Binary opposition refers to a pair of similar concepts that are opposite in meaning.

Romeo and Juliet

The film in which my group analysed was the classic Romeo and Juliet.In the opening of this film the storyline is two opposing families (the Montagues and the Capulets) having a "Brawl" at the petrol station. The opening to this film was littered with lots of binary oppositions here are some that my group noticed:

  • White Americans vs South Americans(latinos)
  • Montagues vs Capulets
  • Rich vs poor
  • Hawaiian shirts vs Smart suits
  • Cowboys vs Punks
  • Loud and stupid vs Calm and collected
  • Brave vs Scared
  • Comedic vs Serious
  • Yellow vs Blue (cars)
  • Peace vs quarrel
  • non religious vs religious

Ferris Buellers day off

The next film in which we analysed was Ferris Buellers day off. In this film the story line consists of a boy who is pretending to be sick in order to get a day off. His parents fall for his "worst performance ever" and let him stay home. As soon as they leave Ferris jumps up and acts happier than usual and begins to relax at home. Meanwhile in school his teacher is wondering where he is as he is suppose to be doing a test that day. His friend is also ill except his not pretending Ferris then tries to persuade his friend to come and have fun with him on his day off.

  • sisters vs brothers
  • fake illness vs real illness
  • boring vs exciting
  • school vs home
  • colourful vs grey
  • home life vs school-life
  • Hawaiian music vs gloomy music.

10 things I hate about you

the opening of this film was a boy that was moving to a new school who was being shown around by another student who would be described as a "nerd. "The nerd teachers the student all about the different cliques in the school like the "jocks" and "beautiful people."While the nerd is showing the new boy around he locks eyes on one of the "beautiful people" and says that she is perfect.
  • cool kids vs nerds
  • old vs young
  • rich vs poor
  • beautiful vs ugly
  • smart clothing vs casual clothing
  • pop music vs punk music
  • happy vs sad
  • happy vs sad
  • black clothing vs colourful clothing

Princess Diaries

There is a young teenager called Mia who at on first glance would be described as "ugly" or a "geek" due to her frizzy hair and glasses. he is at school with her friend when she sees her crush and freezes and daydreams of what it would be like to date him. However it is the most popular girl in school who he is dating who happens to be someone that Mia doesn't like. Mia and her friend then go to class in which they are having a class debate on school uniform. Mia's crush and girlfriend are on the same side and they are arguing to get rid of school uniform and they are very confident and loud which is a complete contrast to Mia's debating style. When Mia is asked up to the podium she freezes, forgets what she is suppose to say and runs off the stage because of her nerves.

  • popular vs unpopular
  • cool vs geeks
  • royalty vs not royalty
  • teacher vs students
  • beautiful vs ugly
  • confident s nervous

Audience Task 2: Analysis of 3 Teen Movies With Different Audiences.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Genre and Convention

  • A teen film is a film that is primarily at people between the age of 12-23.Teen films are films that people in the target age group can relate to or would have an interest in.
  • Young people are usually the main characters in these movies.
  • "High school" is a popular setting.

  • Love, relationships, conflicts with other groups ,parents etc.

  • Some older audiences may watch teen films for nostalgic reasons or just pure curiosity.

Researching Target Audience

The Hunger Games
The hunger games movie is a fairly recent(2012) teen film that is aimed at a target audience of around 13-21.This movie has a bit of everything for everyone as it has romance, action and the occasional bit of comedy. This therefore means that this movie will appeal to a wide range of teenagers both boys and girls due to its large range of genres. Another reason as to why this teen film was so popular could have been because of the fan base of the main characters. Jenifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth are were al very well known actors before the film and dedicated films may have wanted to see their idols in action. As this film is based on best seller book fanatics of the book will have been eager to see the film to see how it compares to te book. The hunger games is set in the future and is a very unusual concept which could be a reason in which it appeals to some people.

Bratz: The movie
Bratz the movie (2007) is aimed at an audience around the age of 11-17 as it is a stereotypical America high school movie. this movie is aimed at girls that are into cheesy yet relatable movies. I think that this movie is gravitated towards girls more than boys because of the singing and issues the characters have to overcome. The stars in this movie were not very popular before he movie was made but some of them have gone on into other films and teen shows.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry potter ad the chamber of secrets (2002) is aimed at people from the age of around 12-23 as this is a very popular film for both teens and people in their early 20's.This film is based on a book so like hunger games fans of the book may be interested and therefore want to watch the film. The characters in this film were very young and not very well known at all at the time as they were around the age of 11 but now they are some of the most famous stars in the world.
This film may appeal to lots of people both boys and girls because of the magic and fictional themes that run through. The genre of this film is action, adventure and fantasy.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

"Teen Movie" Audience response

This is our quick interview with people around college.We asked them questions about Teen movies like:

  • What are your favourite teen movies?
  • What is appealing about teen movies?
  • What is your favourite genre of teen movies?
  • Who is your favourite teen movie character?
We found that lots of people had similar results.
Definition and Audience

What is a teen movie?

Teen films is a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults and the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, like coming of agefirst love, rebellion, conflict with parents, teen angst or alienation. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy, stereotyped or trivialized way. Some teen films appeal to young males while others appeal to young females.
Films in this genre are often set in high schools, or have characters that are of high school age. Sexual themes are also common, as are crude forms of humor.

Who watches teen movies?

All types of variety of ages watch teen movies, but the majority are teenagers since they can connect more to theme, but you could argue that adults can connect just as well since they were once teenagers.

Why do we like teen movies?

Many people like teenage movies, since they can relate to the certain situations, experiences and emotions, the crude comedy and crazy acts in which they do also enhances the audience also.