Friday 28 February 2014

Filming Day 5:Owens fields

Today we decided that we would film our final boy in owens fields (next to college) so that not all the boys were very close together as this could be confusing to our audience.This by far was the easiest part to film as we were outside there was lots of natural light and also because it was not a very busy area, which meant we therefore had no disruptions.


Thursday 27 February 2014

Filming Day 4:canteen again

Today we decided to re-film the canteen footage and we recruited two new boys to be in our film opening.We re-filmed the scenes exactly as we had done before more or less but used a toplight this time to overcome the problem of dark footage that we had been having before.Todays filming was stressful as for no apparent reason the canteen was super busy and we therefore had to do lots of takes due to people disrupting our takes.


Wednesday 26 February 2014

Filming day 3: Bedroom scene (AGAIN!!!)

After reviewing all of our footage we realised that the majority of it was just two dark to film with so we made the decision to re-film the majority of what we had already filmed again as a result of this.During lesson we went to Elizabeths house to try and film these scenes for last time with ideas and improvement techniques from our teachers and through watching back footage ourselves.We felt that this footage was alot more successful after watching it back and included more technical shots in it.We filmed all of the pill jump-shots again and the extreme close-ups just before the girl takes the pills.


Monday 17 February 2014

Review of Footage

Initially the first footage we shot on college grounds was too dark, meaning we had to re-shoot everything we already had using a top light. We then decided to re-shoot the bedroom footage too in order to improve some of our shots. So far we still haven't finished filming, but the footage we now have is a huge improvement compared to what we previously had. We will meet up in our spare time to try and complete the rest of our footage as soon as possible. 

Friday 14 February 2014

Filming day 2: 13th February 2014 (College scene)

As our film opening is in two locations one being in the bedrooms of the girls house(the present) and one being in college(the flashback) we decided that we would film the college scenes with the boys.We ideally wanted to film in first break time but due to some difficulties this time period was unavailable to us so we filmed at lunch.We asked two boys to be in our film and they agreed so we began shooting these scenes.What wanted to do for this scene was have the  girl walking through the main hall but then having "lustful" eye-contact with the two of them at two different points in the movie in the main hall.We tried to film from as many shots and perspectives as possible.

Filming Day 1: 12th February 2014 (The Bedroom Scene)

On the 12th February we filmed the bedroom scene of our teen movie.The Bedroom scene involved lots of extreme close ups of our character and the suicide pills.Although these shots sound very simple and not time consuming we spent 2 hours filming this as we wanted to shoot the close ups from lots of different perspectives and from different angles.The first hour of this filming session was spent preparing Elizabeth for her role as we needed her to look very distressed and on the edge of Suicide.For this we smudged make up all over her face and curled her hair and messed it up to make her look not so made up.Filming the pills was the hardest part of this session as had to make sure the camera was in the same place each time we filmed a diiferent part of the pills.At the start we kept forgetting to do this and so we ended up with around 25 takes of pills.Towards the end we managed to get the hang of it and our shots looked good.

Reflection Post

I think that i have been doing well with regards to posting on the blog.I think that more recently i have been using a variety of technologies and left my comfort zone of just posting images and the occasional gif.I feel that now that my blog is using a variety of technologies it definitely looks more appealing and makes people more likely to want to read it as it is more interactive.I feel that my voice is still coming through in group posts as i always get involved and give suggestions. However when looking through my label i noticed that i do have quite alot of group posts and not many individual posts.So i am going to try and post more individual posts to show my individual capabilities.

I have been present for both of the days in which we filmed one being in Elizabeths house and one being in college.We have faced lots of challenges while filming over the past days but i feel that they have been overcome successfully and i feel that i am making alot of progress within media as a whole.

Monday 10 February 2014

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Spectacular now:REVIEW

I recently watched the teen film "The spectacular now". After hearing alot of good reviews about it on youtube and twitter i decided to give it a try as lots of people says that it deals with typical teenage issues in a not so typical way.The genre of this film is a romantic,comedy,drama which does sound slightly contradicting but after watching the film it makes sense.
The film is about a high school senior named Sutter who is the stereotypical mr popular guy who claims that he is he life and soul of all the parties.His girlfriend dumps him at the start of the film and he wakes up hungover in someones front garden.A unpopular nice girl named Aimee comes to his rescue and they begin a friendship that turns into a relationship.Although these characters are completely different with regards to hobbies and aspirations in life in this film they fit perfectly.

Although the spectacular now is a film that has not been talked about alot or advertised all over the world it does have two very famous actors as the two leads.Miles Teller stars as "Sutter" and Shailene Woodley stars as "Aimee."
Shailene has already starred in the movies "The Descendants" and "The secret life of an American Teenager."Also 2014 will be a very big year for Shailene as she will be starring in two of the biggest films this year both based on books that have been bestsellers.She will be starring in "Divergent" and also "The fault in our stars."

Miles Teller has starred in "Project X","That awkward moment"and "21 and over"

Many people have referred to the Spectacular now as being "Low budget but High reviews."

Here is an example of a review that i agree with:

I think that "The Spectacular now" is a great example of a low-budget film that was still successful.Through word of the mouth advertising and social media sites people like me were made aware of this film and really enjoyed it.While watching this film you do get the feel that it is not a multi-million bound budget as the characters don't have flawless skin and the shots used in the film aren't that Technical and advanced but i feel that that makes the film more relatable and more like reality.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Storyboard for our opening

Planning Extreme close up shots

While designing our storyboard we came up with the idea to start our film with lots of extreme close-up  of the pills and the girl contemplating whether to take them or not.We thought that the jump-shot would be a good representation of what is going through her mind.

Monday 3 February 2014

inspiration for our teen movie

My group took inspiration from lots of teen movies but this was the main one as it deals with teen relationships and deals with a boy playing with lots of different girls emotions.We did take some of our ideas from this movie however we wanted to change the perspective and break the norms of teen films.In our teen movie we wanted it to be the girl who was being a player and messing with different guys emotions.We thought that this would make our movie stand out more as it is something that doesn't usually happen or is not discussed as much.My group members and i love this movie and it is a classic example of a teen movie.

Analysis of Shots

When taking pictures of different types of shots we could use, there were some mistakes made that could be improved to make the shots better.
 Below are some of the shots, what went wrong with them, and how they could be made better, the pictures are blurry due to their original size:

In these two shots, we see a dead body being dragged across the floor. Although these shots give us an overall view, they should have been shown as close ups from ground. These shots are at head level, which loses the shot as it is higher up, and having it on ground level would give a better perspective of the dead body in the corridor. 

These two shots should have been close ups. Although the first picture is a medium close up, it is still not a full close up, and the pictures contain too much head space and available areas around those in the shots.

The Importance of Copyright.

Copyright is a law giving the owner of a piece of creative work such as a song or book the right to choose whether others can use it and what they do with it. This protects the owners work and means they are able to charge people for using their work.