19. PRELIM - Aydaruus, Elizabeth, Hana, Thahmina from 283goswell on Vimeo.
Mistakes that i have learnt from in this Prelim:
The video above shows my prelim from September, which was one of the first pieces of work i created alongside a group in Media. There are a number of aspects to this prelim that could have been improved, and i have learnt from this when creating the final production of our film opening.
Firstly, bad attention to sound was an issue i am now aware of in this prelim. This is due to a member of the group behind the camera making a noise whilst we were filming, which ended up being a part of the final edited prelim. This bad attention to sound can be seen between the 24th and 26th second of the clip.
As well as this, we did not use the 180 degree rule, which means the camera should remain on one side of the actors shoulders when they speak, in order for the shots to be continuous and make sense. We did not follow this rule as we changed the side of the actors shoulders during their conversation, changing the perspective, and the view of what position they were talking in. This mistake can be seen from the screeshots below.
Mise en scene was also a lesson that could be learned from this clip. We did not use mise en scene to the best of our abilities in this prelim as the characters in it were supposed to be doctors in the environment of a hospital, but this was not portrayed using costume or location. They should/could have been wearing doctor/nurses uniforms, and been in a more realistic environment to get accross the idea that they were in a hospital.
Blogging: Around the time of making the prelim, we had not long started the course, so blogging was an alien concept to me, and i struggled at first. I was initally only using things like text and a few images for blog posts, which has changed drastically over the time of the course. My blogs before had were simple and low in use of technology as displayed in the screenshot of one of my first blog posts below.
How i took these mistakes and learned from them when it came to the full product:
20 - Jade Abrams, Marleyah Kelly, Elizabeth Rowan from 283goswell on Vimeo.
In this full product, bad attention to sound was not an isue like it was in the initial prelim. I learnt to be more careful when filming and editing, to make sure there were no slip ups or lack of attention. Not only did i learn from the bad attention to sound previously displayed, i also improved with the sound aspect altogether. This is displayed in the final product through use of music and voice-overs, which were not used at all in the prelim. By using these effects, the clip became better as a whole, showing how much sound can contribute to having a successful final product.
The 180 degree rule was also not a problem in the full product, mainly because there was no dialogue, so it was not neccessarily a requirement.
In addition, the use of mise en scene in this full product compared to the prelim was a vast improvent. The prelim showed our lack of mise en scene, whereas in this full product, we used a contrast of costumes to display the mood of the character/scene.
This screenshot shows the character in the full product about to commit suicide, and we put across her low mood using mise en scene by having the character wear black clothes.
However, in a following scene, where the girl in supposed to be happy, we used costume by having her wear a bright and light coloured top, in order to make the change in mood more obvious.
Another form of mise en scene i have improved with is location. As shown in the prelim, the location of a hospital was not put across accurately. This saw improveemnt in the full product as we used the location of a bedroom, a park, and a college; two of which can be seen in the screenshots above. This gets the story across to the audience better, and makes the product generally look better and appear more realisic.
Blogging: In comparison to the prelim, towards the time of the full product being made/finished, i had seen a huge improvement in my blog posts. I am now able to use a range of technologies such as prezzies, timetoast, gifs, animations, and much more. This use of a technology can be seen in a later blog post, shown below.Conclusion:
In conclusion, over the course of the year, pretty much all aspects involved in my media skills have improved. As well as the things mentioned above, i improved in other areas such as editing, camera work, use of lighting, and use of different types pf shots. Overall, this has been a great learning experience for me, allowing me to develop my media skills to a large extent..
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